'Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization.' -- Eugene V. Debs

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hillary the Hawk 

Consistently, across the board, in fact, as laboriously described in detail by Stephen Zunes. A brief excerpt:

Her presidential campaign has received far more money from defense contractors than any other candidate – Democrat or Republican – and her close ties to the defense industry has led the Village Voice to refer to her as "Mama Warbucks." She has even fought the Bush administration in restoring funding for some of the very few weapons systems the Bush administration has sought to cut in recent years. Pentagon officials and defense contractors have given Senator Clinton high marks for listening to their concerns, promoting their products and leveraging her ties to the Pentagon, comparing her favorably to the hawkish former Washington Senator "Scoop" Jackson and other pro-military Democrats of earlier eras.

Clinton has also demonstrated a marked preference for military confrontation over negotiation. In a speech before the Council on Foreign Relations, she called for a "tough-minded, muscular foreign and defense policy." Similarly, when her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination Senator Barack Obama expressed his willingness to meet with Hugo Chávez, Fidel Castro or other foreign leaders with whom the United States has differences, she denounced him for being "irresponsible and frankly naive."

Senator Clinton appears to have a history of advocating the blunt instrument of military force to deal with complex international problems. For example, she was one of the chief advocates in her husband's inner circle for the 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to attempt to resolve the Kosovo crisis.

If elected, Hillary will continue to fuse her feminism with contemporary neoconservative militarism, all marketed to select audiences with a dollop of soft focus religious fundamentalism. It is a surprisingly good fit. All three are elitist, all three satisfy a narcissitic craving for participation in the utopian transformation of the world, and, most importantly, all three put themselves in the service of global neoliberal policy. In other words, they reinforce the existing order of things, at least as it is perceived by the power elite.

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