'Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization.' -- Eugene V. Debs

Sunday, March 21, 2010

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The health care bill vote is supposed to go down later today in the House. My guess is that it will narrowly pass by the slimmest of margins. After all, controversial business friendly proposals like this usually do, no matter how unpopular with the general public. That's American democracy in action, designed from the inception to empower political leaders to make decisions contrary to public sentiment for the benefit of the capital class. But what happens then? Clip 'n save the link to the firedoglake legislative analysis provided by cutting and pasting it to a secure location on your computer, and then go back and check it out every two or three years. Naturally, my ingrained pessimism leads me to believe that Hamsher and Co. are not bearish enough about the consequences, primarily because they, and many others, have not paid enough attention to the deflationary impact it will have on the economy and job growth.

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